Monday, January 26, 2009

These boots are made for walkin'...

Okay...I'm still trying to wrap my mind around this, so forgive me if I'm not as articulate as usual.

The government of Iceland just quit. As in, they rolled out. Raised up. Got the hell on.


Apparently, the party in charge--the Independence Party--did not work well with the rival Social Democrat party. The SDs wanted to run the whole shebang, but the IP wasn't having it. So the IP--in the guise of the prime minister of Iceland,
Geir Haarde--said to hell with it and just resigned his whole Cabinet.

Well, dayum.

The burning question in my non-Icelandic mind is: if there is no government, then who's running the country?

No, the concurrent burning question is: how do you RESIGN an entire government? That's on par with suddenly declaring that Pluto is no longer a planet (I'm still bitter about that, by the way).

I mean, like most governments, they control certain operations of a country: economy, judicial system, and the military. goverment means...the vault doors are open ,as well as the jail doors? Can you just invade the country, since no one is really running the military? Likewise, can the military just run off and shoot whomever they feel like because they're not being held accountable?

I've heard of anarchy, but this kinda takes it to a whole 'nother level.

Granted, Iceland's economy is about as bad as ours over here in the USA, but still...our government hasn't quit. It's not in our Constitution (no pun intended). Plus, if a president ever decided to quit, the bloodbath that would occur over the mass exodus by the Democratic and Republican parties (not to mention Ralph Nader and his crew) to try and fill the seats with their cronies would be just ugly. The trail of broken bodies leading to Cabinet seats would be worthy of a Tarantino flick. That would be some reality TV for your assets.

I need a donut.

Thanks for stopping by.

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