Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Out with the old, in with the new...

Saturday night I went to Republic Gardens. Mind you, I have not been since before it closed down...and that was a LONG time ago. So I was interested to see what the flavor was like now.

I was underwhelmed.

I was on the guest list, so I didn't have to pay to get in (yay!) and someone bought me a beverage (double yay), so my out-of-pocket expenses were nil. I got to see some good folks, always a bonus. But other than that, I could've had a V8 and stayed at home to finish watching The Thomas Crown Affair.

  • Of course, the big draw of the night was the Jones/Tarver fight. I'm sorry, but Roy Jones will always be that mumbling ship captain in The Matrix Reloaded. "Shut your hole, Bane, 'fore I put you in one."
  • It was in the 60s outside, so WHY was the A/C pumping like it was high noon on the first day of July? I was very frozen and was pleased that a gentleman allowed me to liberate his black velvet blazer to ward off the chill.
  • I guess I'm showing/feeling my age these days, because I danced once the entire night. I didn't know what the DJ was playing! All these folks throwing their hands in the air, waving like they just don't care, and I played the wall with a clueless look on my face.
  • I wish they would ban smoking in clubs here, like they do in NY and CA. I do not relish smelling like an ashtray, and thought those days were gladly behind me.

In addition to the above, my "date" was rude and my ankle hurt due to a mishap earlier that day. But those are other stories for other times. :)

I may have to return to the Gardens this Saturday in order to get my pool lessons...but that's okay, 'cause my "instructor" is a sexy MF. I'll keep you posted. ;)

Thanks for stopping by.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

The new CVS?

As I meander the streets of DC, I keep stumbling across these Potbelly Sandwiches spots. Are they the CVS of sandwiches? There seems to be one on every corner (ironically, not far from a CVS).

Now all you DC metro heads: what is the hype about Potbelly? Someone once said that their sandwiches are *gasp* BETTER than Quizno's. Say it isn't so!

I must taste one of these alleged culinary wonders one of these days. In the interim, please share your thoughts. I'm always on the hunt for good eateries of all levels.

Much obliged.


Stockholm (no, not the one in Sweden)

My first venture back into the DC metro club scene in over five years...

I attended a Stockholm1976 party on 18th & K (Kolumbia Cafe, I think, was the venue) on Friday, Sept. 14. It was thrown by the son of the woman who is a big dog at Sista 2 Sista magazine. I am skeptical about clubbing in general, since I tend to get extremely irritated by drunken crowds, but some cohorts raved about the previous party so I figured, why not?

My random thoughts:
  • Are pink shirts what's hot in the streets for men? Was Thomas Pink having a sale?
  • From the way the bartenders were hopping, I thought that Prohibition was about to return the next morning. I mean, folks were DEEP at the bar.
  • The DJ needed to be shot. I know someone in there had a mix CD in their car...should have given it to the DJ so he could learn how to mix. I was tempted to suggest that he just turn the radio to PGC or KYS and call it a night.
  • Women really are desperate to get a man (or, at the very least, a free beverage) around here. Wow. I used to be one of these women hoping to find a "good" man at the club and flashed my assets accordingly. Ah, the folly of youth...although some of my fellow thirtysomethings still didn't get the memo that men want a lady in the streets and a freak in the bedroom (ask your mama if you don't know LOL).
  • I finally learned how to drop down and get my eagle on (never saw the video). You learn something new every day.
  • The demographic was definitely under 30...*sigh*
  • can I ever dance with/attract someone over 5'3" (although me and the next-to-last dude were cutting up to "Candy Girl")?
  • can Black folks EVER have an event without the Electric Slide or a variation thereof (e.g. Cha Cha Slide)?
  • Men: please, please, please...I don't care how good your (bamma) friends say you look, DO NOT leave the house in a shirt with French cuffs WITHOUT WEARING CUFFLINKS. I am still mad at the dude that was rocking that mess. I think his shirt was pink, too.

I am afraid of the DC club scene. I am VERY afraid.

Thank you for letting me share.
