Thursday, March 12, 2009

Random Brain Droppings

It's been a few days since I've posted, but that's mainly because I've not had anything newsworthy to post.

I'm currently on day 16 of the sugar- and caffeine-free diet. I'm doing well, and other than a critical mass of facial breakouts, things are rolling smoothly toward the 40-day mark. I'm almost halfway there...WOW! As for the facial breakouts, I guess that I've had so much sugar in my system, it took almost 2 weeks for it to finally start working its way out of my system. LOL Drinking herbal teas and water has gone a long way to help flush it out, and I've even started drinking apple juice again (the kinds from Simply Apple and Florida's Naturals, because they don't have any added sweeteners or sugars, and they are 100% juice that is not from concentrate). Hey, an apple is an apple, no matter what form you take it in. :D

I haven't even had anything snarkworthy upon which to comment, unless you count the two pseudo-homeless guys (one white, one black), who wore lots of fake bling and offered to take care of me, even willing to front me the $1.00 (*gasp*) bus fare if I needed it. Bless their hearts. I'm not sure if I should feel flattered or insulted. LOL Oh, and just shaking my head at how Nadya Suleman has pimped her uterus, Dr. Phil, and the California medical system in order to get a lifestyle to which she'd desperately wanted to become accustomed. Thievery, manipulation, hustling...hey, it's the American way. It worked for Wall Street, Enron, and Madoff (at least for a while).

Thanks for stopping by.


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