Monday, March 02, 2009

Letting Go for Lent: Day 6

Okay...I think I've hit a detox snag.

For the past couple of nights, I've not been sleeping well. The first night, I just put it off as an isolated incident. But when it happened the second night (last night), I figured that it was related to the sugar and caffeine detox.

I looked it up on some websites and it seems that too much sleep, instead of not enough sleep is a result of the detox. Hmmph...whatever. All I know is that my sleep is not as smooth as it has been pre-detox, and I'm not that thrilled.

I've also noticed that I'm not as cold. I've always been someone very susceptible to cold, and I like to keep the heat in my place cranked up to around 75 degrees or so in the wintertime. And in the summer? I hardly run the air conditioning and crack open the windows. But now? I don't bundle up in my blanket as much as I used to. Now I did read that caffeine is related to cold susceptibility, so at least I can bear witness to that.

My face is starting to break out more. I made up an avocado, honey, and lemon facial mask that I'm going to apply to help make the toxins come through my skin faster.

Other than that, things are going okay. Thanks for stopping by.


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