Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Lent is Over!



40 days of no sugar, no caffeine, and scrutinizing labels like they were running out of over! I made it!

And it's Easter! It's rather appropriate, since Lent has caused a resurrection of a newer, healthier, self.

I had dinner with my aunt today and she commented on my weight loss...and on my extra red hair (I tried a different shade and it looked decent in my bathroom mirror, but when the sunlight hit it outside...WHOA! There's a reason the shade is called "Cardinal". :D

( long as it wasn't Stripper Red, I'm good to go).

This morning, I had my first cup of caffeinated tea in 40 days...and with sugar! Except I added only one teaspoon of sugar instead of my usual four. It still tasted good, so I'm going to stick to one teaspoon from now on. (of course, it did help that I used a smaller mug instead of the huge, 16-oz. ones that I usually drink tea from LOL).

At dinner, I had a glass of sweet tea...and only drank about 1/3 of it. We were too full to eat our dessert there, so we got take-out cartons. I ate a few bites of my creme brulee cheesecake after I got home...and almost got sick from the sweetness.


Pre-Lent, I would have demolished that slice of cheesecake with no ill effects. Post-Lent...nope. Maybe my body has had its share of sugar today; it must have, since I found myself actually getting nauseous from the sugar overload in that cheesecake. I had to eat something salty and drink a big glass of water to counteract it.

The 40-day sugar fast has effectively rebooted my digestive system. Not a soft reboot (like when you press CTRL + ALT + DEL on your computer keyboard), but a hard reboot (when you just shut down the power completely on your computer before turning it back on). I did expect some changes, but sugar nausea was not one of them! Perhaps I was a bit too naive in thinking that I could go back to business as usual once Lent was over. But thinking back upon the positive changes I've made to my diet, would I really want to?

I've been more diligent about reducing the amount of preservatives in my diet, and other things such as bread and refined foods. I've switched completely to whole-wheat pasta. I've switched from my beloved mayonnaise to spicy brown mustard. I'm eating a whole lot more fruits and vegetables, and drinking more fruit juice (and the 100% juice, and preferably not from concentrate -- and I can actually tell the difference in the taste!).

As a result of the Lenten removal and the aforementioned diet changes, I've lost some weight. Pants that I bought last year in an increased size because my old ones wouldn't fit...are now too big; I ended up giving them away on FreeCycle. I can get into a pair of slimly cut jeans (again, that I bought last year and I couldn't fit into before) without breaking a sweat or needing to be greased. LOL I've been sleeping very well, and I just feel better and lighter.

So no, I really don't want to go back to most of my old habits when I think back on the results I've gotten. I feel a bit like I did when I was in college, on fire and just ready to change the world. It's a nice feeling. And I don't have to be in a sugar coma to do it.

Thanks for stopping by.

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