Thursday, January 29, 2009

Mercury: It's not just for thermometers anymore

The corn industry took a hit to their "we're not trying to poison you with corn syrup sweeteners" campaign today. Word on the curb is that while it's lovely that corn syrup is all natural and is fine in moderation (*snicker*), it now contains another, more serious threat: mercury.

Yes, that mercury. You know, that silvery stuff that used to be in old-school, non-digital thermometers. The metal that is toxic when ingested, leading to nerve system damage, among other things. Yeah, that one.

To add insult to (ha!) injury, quite a few popular, brand-name products contain the mercury-tainted corn syrup, which means that chances are, you are slowly poisoning yourself with every bite.

Let's hear it for uncomfort(able) food!

Given the rise in food prices at regular grocery stores, it's now seeming like a good idea to shop at stores like Whole Foods; there's not much of a price difference anymore, and you can be assured that the food doesn't contain any icky surprises, like growth hormones (which I blame for how developed kids are these days) or toxic metals.

I found some tips on that can help you reduce purchase of the amount of foods that may contain mercury. Give it a try.

Of course, it hurt my heart to see that three of my favorites--Dr. Pepper, Coke Classic, and Heinz--are on the list of foods that were tested for mercury-laden high-fructose corn syrup, but hey...we all gotta go sometime. I'm going happy. You can do what you want; that's between you and your god(s).

Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

souljourney said...

Great... I try to avoid this crap anyway.
Why is it in there anyway???